Fan Guest of Honor: Filthy Pierre

Filthy Pierre (Erwin S. Strauss) got into fandom at MIT in the mid-1960s. He published the “Index to the SF Magazines 1951-1965.” He caused a stir by publishing the MIT SF Society’s collection of underground campus songs, and trying to import pirated textbooks. He became a fixture at East Coast cons, playing the piano at filksings. From 1974 to 1996, he published “The SF Convention Register.” From 1979 to the present, he’s done the “SF Conventional Calendar” for Asimov’s SF. From 1975 to 1983, he published the Microfilk, a compendium of filksongs in ridiculously tiny type. Erwin is in the Filk Hall of Fame, has received the Big Heart service award, is a Fellow of the New England Science Fiction Association, and received a Special Noreascon Four Award for contributions to the fan community. He can be recognized by his iridescent “Filthy Pierre” badge, and his mouth-powered organ.