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  • Masquerade Rules and Guidelines | Balticon 59

    Masquerade Rules and Guidelines The Marty Gear Memorial Masquerade Rules and Guidelines This page contains the rules for the competition, registration and sign-in process, and what to expect during the show (logistics). We are still tweaking some specifications, so watch this space for changes. Please email with any questions. Balticon strongly recommends vaccination for all eligible in-person convention attendees. Masking requirements will be based on the Baltimore City/County Community Risk Level in the week prior to Balticon. A Yellow or Green Community Risk Level will require masking in Meeting Rooms, Maryland Ballroom C/D, Art Show, and Dealers Room. Masks will not be required in Con Suite, Hallways and Atrium, but are encouraged. If the Community Risk Level rises to Red, masking will be mandated in all public places at Balticon. Masks will only be required on stage if the Risk Level is Red. All entrants must agree to our Code of Conduct to be part of the Balticon 59 Masquerade. Rules The goal of these rules is to facilitate a fair and safe experience for all contestants. 1. The Marty Gear Memorial Masquerade (Masquerade) will be run according to the Costumers Guild “Division System”. The Division Qualifications for Balticon are not identical to those used for Worldcons. The purpose of having this system is so beginning costumers need not compete with an experienced winner unless they want to do so. We can all compete on our own level against our costuming peers. Contestants will be registered according to the following Divisions: Young Fan, Novice, Journeyman, Craftsman, and Master. The Balticon Division definitions are defined in the Divisions section below. 2. All entrants, including all members of a group entry, must be members of the convention and will be required to show their badges in the Green Room. 3. There will be no live microphones for the contestants’ use. You are not allowed to speak from the stage even without a microphone. See the registration information for providing a script or an audio file. 4. The weapons policy of the con will be strictly adhered to. Weapons that are a part of the costume may be displayed only on stage and only in a safe manner. All weapons must be approved by the Masquerade Director before use. 5. Due to hotel fire regulations, no fire, open flame, flash paper/powder may be used. Electronic sealed flashes are permissible for use by the contestants. 6. Nudity. Since you asked, our general feeling is that if you are comfortable with your skin, so are we…with certain reservations: “No costume” is no costume and won’t win any prizes. Our Judges are of all genders, and are artists, authors, or costumers. They will be judging costumes not bodies. There will be children present (also mundanes). If you feel that nudity is essential to your costume, please limit it to the Masquerade, and keep it covered in the public areas of the hotel. 7. NO FLASH PICTURES WILL BE PERMITTED DURING THE MASQUERADE COMPETITION! Not only does flash photography interfere with the enjoyment of the show, but it can also cause injury to a contestant whose vision or concentration is affected by a flash of light during their presentation. An opportunity to photograph the costumes will be available during judging. 8. Each contestant may appear only once in the competition. 9. Costumes presented as Not In Competition (NIC) will not be eligible for judging or awards, regardless of past history for that costume. 10. Be on time for your call. If you have a good reason for wanting to go on early or late, please tell us when you register, and we will try to accommodate you. If you arrive after you have been called, you may not go on. 11. Groups of from one to four contestants will be permitted a maximum of 60 seconds on stage. Groups of five or more will be permitted a maximum of 120 seconds. Short is better than long. Let your costume speak for itself. If you have any questions about the length of your presentation, please discuss it with the Masquerade Director in advance. 12. Contestants in costume must remain in the Green Room until they go on stage. Any contact with the Presentation Judges prior to the masquerade while a contestant is in costume may be grounds for disqualification of the entrant. 13. You must be able to enter and leave the stage without help in order to appear. Our steps are six feet wide, one foot deep and eight inches high. We will have people available to steady you but not to lift or completely support you. 14. TECH REHEARSAL: Everyone appearing on stage must participate in a tech rehearsal. This gives you practice being on stage and lets the Masquerade Team rehearse lighting, pronouncing your name, and other technical details. You can sign up for a rehearsal time slot when you register online or at con. 15. The Masquerade Director and backstage staff will have full authority to eliminate anyone from the competition based on taste, danger to the audience or other contestants, or for any other reason deemed sufficient.

  • Christopher Mark Rose | Balticon 59

    < Back Christopher Mark Rose Literary Author Christopher Mark Rose is an engineer for NASA spacecraft by day, a writer of speculative fictions by night. His work has appeared in Asimov's, Interzone, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and in Parker Solar Probe, DART, and the upcoming Dragonfly mission to Titan. He is an alumni of the Viable Paradise Writers Workshop and founder of the Charm City Spec reading series in Baltimore. He keeps an occasional blog at He hopes his writing is affecting, humane, and concerned with large questions. Other Socials

  • Policies | Balticon 59

    Policies All Balticon Members are expected to follow our policies, so we can have a fun, safe convention together. COVID Policy Code of Conduct COVID-19 Safety Policy Balticon strongly recommends, but does not require, all participants to wear masks during Balticon, especially in program rooms. We do not anticipate a change in Baltimore’s COVID status. However, should the city of Baltimore or the state of Maryland, put Baltimore in a yellow COVID frequency zone, Balticon will follow the recommendation of the city/state. If either places Baltimore in a red zone, we will require masks in all public spaces except while eating or drinking. We will use the Maryland State COVID-19 Data Maps and post on the Balticon web site if this status changes. Balticon Code of Conduct Balticon is an event sponsored by The Baltimore Science Fiction Society (BSFS). BSFS is dedicated to providing a comfortable and harassment-free environment for everyone at Balticon. By attending a BSFS event, all individuals agree to abide by BSFS anti-harassment rules, venue policies, and all municipal, state, and federal laws. Baltimore Science Fiction Society Code of Conduct Approved by BSFS Board of Directors 2/11/2023 INTRODUCTION: The Baltimore Science Fiction Society (BSFS) exists to promote the creation and appreciation of science fiction, fantasy, and related sub-genres, primarily through literary art forms, but also embracing the many related cultural arts in graphical, musical, theatrical, and media forms inspired by speculative fiction. BSFS welcomes all people to be part of the activities we sponsor and to consider becoming one of our members. We affirmatively welcome individuals who identify with groups based on characteristics such as, but not limited to (in alphabetical order) age, ancestry, citizenship, color, disability status, familial status (including marital status), gender identity and/or expression, immigration status, level of educational attainment, national origin, physical appearance, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and/or veteran status. Attendees at our meetings/events and participants in our social media and/or digital platforms are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is courteous and respectful of the other people present. By attending a BSFS event, all individuals are required to abide by BSFS policies, including this Code of Conduct, venue policies, and all municipal, state, and federal laws. EXPECTED BEHAVIORS Attendees at BSFS events must respect common societal expectations for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, and respect for private property. We do for others what we would like done for us. All clothing, including costumes, should provide enough coverage to be worn in public and should be in good taste and appropriate for family-friendly events. Respecting the privacy of others by not sharing information about an individual in person or online (i.e., doxing) without the subject’s consent. Consent is not assumed. A person should always obtain appropriate permission before acting. Respectful disagreements, reasonable and respectful exchanges of ideas, and/or critiques of creative works, made in good faith, are not violations of this policy. UNACCEPTABLE CONDUCT: Actions that are disruptive of the comfortable and harassment-free environment of BSFS. Slurs and derogatory comments about a person, group, or category of people. Physical harm and/or endangerment and/or threats of physical harm and/or endangerment of any person and/or their personal effects. Stalking, intimidation, and/or coercion of a person or persons. Intentional touching of a person and/or their personal effects without an express invitation or consent after a request, including, but not limited to, hair, clothing, assistive devices, bags, and service animals. Further, we ask that people not presume to speak for groups of which they are not members. REPORTING VIOLATIONS Allegations of violations of this Code of Conduct are taken seriously by the BSFS Board of Directors. Anyone who has experienced or witnessed behavior that appears to be a violation of the rules stated herein should report it as soon as possible. The first report should be made to the person running the event or acting as the moderator. If that is not possible, contact a BSFS Board member. At Balticon, the first report should be made to the panel moderator. When that is not possible, the complaint should be brought to one of the following locations: Balticon Operations, Balticon Information Desk, Balticon Programming, Balticon Committee Member or Balticon Department Head, or a BSFS Board Member, as identified by the ribbons attached to their badges. Initial reports may be made in person, verbally or in writing. Reports may be submitted by e-mail to or by postal mail addressed to: Corresponding Secretary Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc. PO Box 686 Baltimore, MD, 21203-0686 Note: Please note that mail is not retrieved daily, and delays may occur in delivery. For the fastest action, please contact us by e-mail. NON-RETALIATION BSFS prohibits retaliation against anyone for reporting conduct the reporter believed violated the Code of Conduct or anyone participating in an investigation relating to any complaint made under this policy. RESPONSE TO COMPLAINTS When the person in charge of an event determines that conduct is disruptive to the extent that it presents a physical danger to attendees or is so offensive as to disrupt the peaceful enjoyment of the event, the party(ies) involved may be removed immediately without refund. An investigation will follow the removal using the procedures outlined below. If the complaint requires reporting to law enforcement agencies, we encourage complainants to do that as soon as possible and follow their directions for action. The BSFS Board may elect to defer action until the completion of any law enforcement activities. Complaints not involving physical danger or disruption of the event will be investigated and resolved after the event. Complaints about presentation content that was offered in a manner consistent with EXPECTED BEHAVIORS will not be a basis for removal. This provides time to obtain the facts and give all parties opportunities to discuss the situation, and if possible, come to a mutually agreeable resolution. If this not possible, the complaint will be handled using the following timeline and procedures: Communications will be sent via USPS certified mail to make sure that the information is received. To facilitate a timely process, backup copies will be sent via email. In case of any confusion or ambiguity, the certified deliveries will be considered authoritative. Written acknowledgement that the complaint has been received will be sent to the complainant(s) and the respondent(s) within 10 business days. An investigative team will be appointed within 21 days after the receipt of the complaint. This team will obtain statements, evidence, clarifications, and rebuttals from the complainant(s), respondent(s), and any witnesses. The investigative team will deliver a written report to the Board with a finding of facts and recommendations for action within 90 days of appointment. This report is a confidential internal document because it contains sensitive personal information; it will not be released to any party. The Board may extend the time for investigation and will notify all parties of the extension. The Board will deliver written notices to the complainant(s) and the respondent(s) of its decision, including any further actions that may be taken. The BSFS Board may take interim actions during the investigative phase that it determines necessary to protect the BSFS Community. The Board advises all parties that it generally takes several months to complete all phases of an investigation. The amount of time depends on how quickly information is supplied by the parties when they are contacted by the investigative team. If investigators cannot obtain responses within 30 days of a request, they will move on to the next step so that complaints do not linger for an excessive length of time. BSFS is an all-volunteer run organization. We do not have staff who can work on complaint resolution on a full-time basis. We have no law enforcement powers and cannot compel anyone to participate by providing information or other evidence. BSFS may publicly release results of an investigation and any actions it has taken, as it deems appropriate. When complaints are of a sensitive or intimate nature, it is established practice to maintain the confidentiality of the parties and not issue public statements. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Any person found to have violated this policy will be subject to any one or more of the following disciplinary actions: Warning the party involved to cease the inappropriate behavior; Immediate removal from an event or meeting without refund; Membership termination without refund; Denial of access to BSFS events or venues (physical or virtual) temporarily or permanently; Refusing offered volunteer services; Withholding of contracted honorarium or award; Discharge from BSFS leadership positions; Bans (permanent or time limited) from future BSFS leadership positions; and/or Removal of privileges, benefits, or association as the Board deems necessary and effective for protecting our members, attendees at our events, and users of our digital services and forums. COMPLAINTS ABOUT CONDUCT AWAY FROM BSFS PROPERTY OR EVENTS The BSFS Board may accept complaints of documented conduct that would be a violation of this Code of Conduct occurring in places other than BSFS property and events, or on non-BSFS digital platforms. As part of the investigation, the severity of the conduct, elapsed time, documentation, and other aggravating and mitigating factors will be considered. Additional information about the requirements and recommendations of this Code of Conduct are available in the BSFS Code of Conduct Supplemental Guide . Questions about any aspect of this Code of Conduct should be submitted to the BSFS Board of Directors at

  • Mark L. Van Name | Balticon 59

    < Back Mark L. Van Name Literary Author Mark L. Van Name is a writer, technologist, and spoken word performer. He has published five novels (One Jump Ahead, Slanted Jack, Overthrowing Heaven, Children No More, & No Going Back), as well as an omnibus collection of his first two books (Jump Gate Twist); edited or co-edited four anthologies (Intersections: The Sycamore Hill Anthology, Transhuman, The Wild Side, and Onward, Drake!), and written many short stories. Those stories have appeared in a wide variety of books and magazines. As a technologist, he is the CEO of a fact-based marketing and learning services firm, Principled Technologies, Inc. He has published over a thousand articles in the computer trade press, as well as a broad assortment of essays and reviews. As a spoken word artist, he has created and performed five shows—Science Magic Sex; Wake Up Horny, Wake Up Angry; Mr. Poor Choices; Mr. Poor Choices II: I Don’t Understand; and Mr. Poor Choices III: That Moment When. Other Socials

  • John Appel | Balticon 59

    < Back John Appel Literary Author John Appel is a science fiction, fantasy, and RPG adventure writer. Now retired from the IT trenches, he lives with his wife and two adult children smack between downtown Baltimore and downtown Annapolis and makes daily trips to the word mines. His debut novel ASSASSIN’S ORBIT was published by Rebellion in July 2021 and was a finalist for the 2022 Compton Crook Award. John is a graduate of the Viable Paradise workshop and a founding member of the Maryland Space Opera Collective writing group (MD SPOC). Other Socials

  • Compton Crook Selections | Balticon 59

    < Back Compton Crook Selections The 2025 Compton Crook Award winner will be announced in the weeks leading up to Balticon 59. The Compton Crook Award is presented to the best of each year's English language first novel by an author in the field of science fiction, fantasy, or horror by the members of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society at our annual science fiction convention, Balticon, the Maryland Regional Science Fiction Convention. Awards have been presented since 1983. The award is also known as the Compton Crook/Stephen Tall Award. Visit the Compton Crook page on the BSFS website for more information.

  • To Be Announced | Balticon 59

    < Back To Be Announced 2025 Compton Crook Winner The 2025 Compton Crook Award Finalists The Book of Love by Kelly Link Someone You Can Build a Nest In by John Wiswell The Stars Too Fondly by Emily Hamilton Sun of Blood and Ruin by Mariely Lares The Wings Upon Her Back by Samantha Mills The 2025 Compton Crook Award winner will be announced in the weeks leading up to Balticon 59. The Compton Crook Award is presented to the best of each year's English language first novel by an author in the field of science fiction, fantasy, or horror by the members of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society at our annual science fiction convention, Balticon, the Maryland Regional Science Fiction Convention. Awards have been presented since 1983. The award is also known as the Compton Crook/Stephen Tall Award. More Information about the Crompton Crook Award can be found on the BSFS's website... 2025 Book Selection

  • Martin Berman-gorvine | Balticon 59

    < Back Martin Berman-gorvine Literary Author After an eventful youth living in Israel and fathering 3 sons, I live with my wife and 2 of my now-grown sons in Potomac, Maryland. We also have two dogs and five cats, all rescues. Occasionally I flee to the wilds of Chincoteague, Virginia, there to rusticate in a tent among the wild ponies and the mosquitos. I have authored 6 science fiction novels, many with an alternate history theme: the Sidewise Award-winning The Severed Wing (as Martin Gidron) (Livingston Press, 2002); 36 (Livingston Press, 2012); Seven Against Mars (Wildside Press, 2013); Save the Dragons! (Wildside Press, 2013), which was a finalist for the Prometheus Award; Heroes of Earth (Wildside Press, 2015); and Monsters of Venus (Wildside Press, 2017). I'm also the author of the “Days of Ascension” horror novel series: All Souls Day (2016), Day of Vengeance (2017), Day of Atonement (2018), and Judgment Day (2020), all published by Silver Leaf Books. In my spare time, I'm a high school English teacher. Other Socials

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