MAY 23 - 26, 2025
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- About | Balticon 59
Whether you love science with your fiction or costumes with your books, at Balticon we do too! Join 1500+ fans of all backgrounds to celebrate Science Fiction and Fantasy with 300+ hours of diverse programming: meet authors, publishers, editors, cosplay experts, Twitch live-streamers, renowned scientists and tech innovators. Sing along with our filkers, see our stunning Art Show and Masquerade, laugh and cry at our Film Festival. We’ve got something for everyone About Us Whether you love science with your fiction or costumes with your books, we do too! While our central theme is writing, literature, and authors, our dynamic program has something everyone can appreciate. Join over fifteen hundred fans of all backgrounds as we gather to celebrate Science Fiction and Fantasy with more than 300 hours of diverse programming, from award-winning authors and publishers to twitch live-streamers, from cosplay experts to renowned scientists and tech innovators. Sing along with our filkers, soak in our stunning Art Show and Masquerade, laugh and cry at our Film Festival. We’ve got something for everyone.Balticon exists to celebrate the creation and appreciation of science fiction and fantasy in all its expressions, by bringing together fans of all backgrounds in a warm, welcoming environment. History of Balticon Profoundly uncool since 1967 The first Balticon was a two-day party in a suite on the top floor of The Emerson Hotel in 1967. In addition to several parties, there was an “SF-oriented program”. Membership cost $1 for both days, and reports from the con runners indicate that it was far from profitable. The convention wandered through the 70s, 80s, and 90s, both on the calendar and in our venues, eventually settling on Easter Weekend (and also raising the membership rate a bit). Some of the best stories come out of this era – if you get a chance to ask a long-time attendee, they’ve got some good ones to tell! Starter questions include, “Do you know how many boxes of Jell-O it takes to seal a man into a bathtub?” and “What actually was on the 11th floor?” We had the opportunity to shift to Memorial Day weekend in 2001 (a weekend that included just about as many Space Odyssey references as you can imagine), transforming us into a four-day convention and letting us once again expand our programming. In 2016, we celebrated Balticon 50, with Guest of Honor George R. R. Martin (who, memorably, bought a few bushels of Maryland blue crabs for the con suite), as well as eighteen Alumni Guests - previous Guests of Honor who came back to join us again – including R. A. MacAvoy, Harry Turtledove, Larry Niven, Steve Barns, Jody Lynn Nye, Sharon Lee, and Steve Miller. Balticon 54 was a major triumph. Scheduled for May 2020, our ConCom made the choice to pivot to an all-virtual convention in only two months. We were among the first groups to produce a full virtual convention, over Zoom, Discord, and Second Life, and we were able to share all that we learned to help other conventions move online that year. Balticon Today We returned in-person in 2022 for Balticon 56, but we kept our virtual side, because it turns out it’s actually pretty awesome in a lot of ways we hadn’t anticipated. Not only can you attend Balticon from literally anywhere that has an internet connection, but the hybrid model makes it easier to attend from within the hotel. Whether you’re feeling all people-d out or you need to rest due to health, you can retreat to your hotel room without missing a thing. It also turns out that building a convention back when Science Fiction was only for misfits and outcasts means we’ve got a pretty cool community that was accidentally neurodivergent-friendly. A lot of our members are either late-diagnosed or undiagnosed, which means we know what it’s like to be a little bit different. Balticon truly is a place where anyone can come and be themselves. We’re more than just a place to buy geeky merch (although we’ve got that, too). We’re a place you can call home. STAY IN THE KNOW Enter your email here Sign Up Thanks for submitting!
- Board Gaming | Balticon 59
< Back Board Gaming We will have a wide selection of board games to play and over two dozen scheduled games to join. You can also bring your own games and sit down at a table. Our staff will be familiar with most of the available games. In addition to our scheduled game demos, we can usually teach or demo almost any of our games if you’d like. We're still working on our game schedule! If you've got specific games you want to play, or you want to volunteer in the Gaming Room, send us an email at ! 4 Tables 50+ Scheduled Games & Demos 150+ Games in our Library Previous Next
- Thank You Page | Balticon 59
Thank you, Donor Name We are so grateful for your generous donation of $0. Your donation number is #1000. You’ll receive a confirmation email soon.
- Baltimore Gamer Symphony Orchestra | Balticon 59
< Back Baltimore Gamer Symphony Orchestra Music Guest of Honor The Baltimore Gamer Symphony Orchestra (BGSO) was founded by Kira Levitzky in 2013 shortly after she graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park, after a tenure in the UMD Gamer Symphony Orchestra. The BGSO performs orchestral arrangements of video game music for the enjoyment of the greater Baltimore community. Along with concerts, we have also worked alongside Baltimore City Schools, Gamescape at Artscape, the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, and Freefall Baltimore, among others, to provide musical enrichment programs such as instrument petting zoos and more.
- Accessibility | Balticon 59
Accessibility BSFS and Balticon are committed to being an inclusive event and will seek to provide accommodation for people with disabilities. Please let us know if you need specialized equipment or services by emailing or filling out the form below. Please contact us as soon as possible, preferably at least 6 weeks before the convention. The earlier we are approached, the more likely we will be able to provide assistance. We recognize not all disabilities are visible. We will not ask unnecessary questions about the nature of a disability. Visitors: If you are a visitor with a disability, the MTA will be happy to assist you use the MobilityLink service for up to 21 days each year. Simply fax us your eligibility determination letter from your service provider to 410-764-8509 . We need to know your name, and when you want to travel and how we should send you information confirming your eligibility for Mobility. It may take up to 3 days to process so please plan ahead. If you have not been certified by another transit system and wish to use our service, please tell us what mobility device you use or provide a doctor’s note confirming a disability along with the information requested above. MTA Mobility Website Let's Talk About Your Accessibility Needs Email First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!
- Workshop: Pattern Adjusting for the Costumer | Balticon 59
< Back Workshop: Pattern Adjusting for the Costumer Learn how to adjust a pattern to fit your unique body! Learn how to adjust a pattern to fit your unique body. Techniques include: full bust adjustment, fitting for hips and tummy, fitting around assistive devices, and, if time allows, using style lines to the get the costume you want.
- Art Show Rules | Balticon 59
Art Show Rules All Balticon Members are expected to follow our policies, so we can have a fun, safe convention together. General Guidelines Accepted Art How to Register General Guidelines Previous buyers are not permitted to resell works. Art sales do not include reproduction rights. Guidelines for Accepted Art The following media are acceptable for the MAIN ART SHOW: Paintings: acrylics, watercolor, oil Drawings: chalk, ink, crayon, pencil, dye Jewelry: all forms Sculpture: wood, stone, metal, clay, acrylics, glass, fabric Weaving and Textile: all hand forms and non-commercially produced Ceramics: hand and thrown ware; self‐created molded items limited to runs of 100, marked item# / run# Decorative Crafts: leather, metal, wood, glass, stone, plastic Fine Art Photography and Computer Generated Art: They must fit within the following guidelines and be labeled. Unique Image – Data Files Erased / Negative Destroyed, or Data / Negative Archived, or Limited Edition Print – Data Files Erased / Negative Destroyed, or Data / Negative Archived True Limited Editions / Multiple Original Category (With a print run of 250 or less): All hand-pulled prints, serigraphs, photographs, silk‐screens, etchings, lithographs, woodblocks must have the following clearly visible information written or printed on the print itself. Artist’s signature Title of the piece, Date Print# / Run# If you work in a medium not listed above, please reach out to for more information. The Main Art Show will NOT accept the following: AI-generated art. Commercial multi‐lithographic copies, unlimited photoprints or photocopies of any kind, hand-colored or remarked prints. Commercial ceramic molds, painted commercially cast pieces, kits of any kind. The Print Shop WILL accept the following: Commercial multi‐lithographic copies, unlimited photoprints or photocopies of any kind, hand-colored or remarked prints. Items using patterns or designs by others must credit the second part Items that violate copyrights or which are judged to have libelous content in regard to known persons or well‐known characters will not be permitted. All decisions by the Art Show Directors on the eligibility of artwork are final. Please reach out to if you have any questions. How to Register Be sure to read all of the Art Show Artist Guidelines to be fully informed on our process. Registration begins January 1st. Create a new account using the Artist Portal Artist Portal is our online site for artists and vendors to register for the Art Show. Through it, you can manage your personal information and fill out important documents like your control sheets and bid sheets. If you are a first time artist, please either include a URL to your website, Etsy, etc. or send photos of your art to If you are a returning artist, please ensure your personal information is up to date. If you are interested in mailing in your art rather than attending in person, please create your account as a MAIL-IN ARTIST. 4. Decide how much space you would like Balticon uses a space-based hanging fee system. Space is available on Panels and Tables. Tables are 6 feet long by 18 inches deep. For Tables, a Space is one quarter of a Table: 18 inches by 18 inches. Artists can reserve a whole Table or part of a Table in increments of Spaces. Panels are 6 feet wide by 4 feet high. Art Show panels and Print Shop panels are the same size. For Panels, a Space is one-third of a Panel; divided vertically: 24 inches wide by 4 feet high. Artists can reserve a whole Panel or part of a Panel in increments of Spaces. SPACE IS LIMITED: Attending artists can register for a maximum of 9 spaces, which can be a combination of tables, art show panels, and print shop panels. MAIL-IN ARTISTS can register for a maximum of 4 spaces, which can be a combination of tables, art show panels, and print shop panels. There is a maximum of 75 pieces per artist . 5. Calculate the cost ART SHOW HANGING FEES Panel Space Table Space MAIL-IN HANDLING FEE is $8 6. Register and make your payment DO NOT attempt to register or pay through email. Selecting MAIL-IN ARTIST will automatically filter the specific information needed for mail-in artists Please DO NOT email CREDIT CARD INFORMATION. If you wish to pay by CHECK, please contact the art show director at Receipts for account creation and registration will be sent by email. Please check your spam filters if you do not receive an emailed receipt. 7. Once your registration has been accepted, fill out your control sheet [link to control sheet] If you are being REPRESENTED BY SOMEONE ELSE, such as an agent or other carrier, the artist must fill out and sign the Agent/Carrier section of the control sheet, or provide the agent/carrier with a letter from the artist authorizing the agent/carrier to represent them at Balticon 59. AFTER REGISTERING Website and BSFan Listing: If you would like us to print a link to your contact information and/or up to 10 lines (i.e., 200 words, 1100 characters) of biographical information on our website or BSFan souvenir book, please send that information to and with ARTIST BIO in the subject line Facebook Group You can communicate with other artists before, during, and after the convention through the Balticon Art Show Facebook Group.[LINK] MAIL-IN ARTISTS IMPORTANT: Balticon Art Show’s address is CHANGING. Keep your eyes peeled for updated PO BOX INFORMATION. Please make sure your art is postmarked no later than Friday, May 16, 2025 to allow for shipping delays. DURING THE CONVENTION The Art Show opens to the public at 5pm on Friday, and runs until 5pm Sunday. Artist Check-In Artist check-in begins at noon on Friday. We do not have space to store packing materials or portfolios in the Art Show. Artist Check-Out Artist check-out begins at 3pm on Sunday and ends at 5pm on Sunday. Please have your art packs and ready to check out between 3pm and 5pm on Sunday. AFTER THE CONVENTION All PAYMENTS TO ARTISTS will be made by check. All checks will be mailed within 60 DAYS or the artist will be contacted concerning unreconciled paperwork. Unsold MAIL-IN ART will be shipped within 10 days after the convention. DISCLAIMER: Art Show Directors reserve the right to make changes or interpretations under unforeseen circumstances. Special requests, problems, or inquiries please CONTACT Dimensions (width by height) Space Fees ⅓ Panel (2ft by 4ft) 1 $11.00 ⅔ Panel (4ft by 4ft) 2 $17.00 Full Panel (6ft by 4ft) 3 $22.00 Dimensions (width by depth) Spaces Fees Full Table (6ft by 18in) 4 $17.00 ¾ Table (4.5ft by 18in) 3 $14.00 ½ Table (3ft by 18in) 2 $10.00 ¼ Table (18in by 18in) 1 $7.00 Artist Portal
- Contact Us | Balticon 59
Have a question we didn't answer here? Reach out to a real human! Our staff is all volunteer, so please be patient while waiting for a reply - we're making time for you in between jobs and kids and other things, too. But we'll try to get back to you as fast as we can! Contact Have a question we didn't answer here? Reach out to a real human! Our staff is all volunteer, so please be patient while waiting for a reply - we're making time for you in between jobs and kids and other things, too. But we'll try to get back to you as fast as we can! Let's Chat Phone 410-JOE-BSFS (410-563-2737) Please note: this line is not usually answered live! Leave a message and we'll get back to you. Email Social Media First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!
- Programming | Balticon 59
With over 300 hours of programming, we have something for everyone. Join us for panels on how to get published to what’s new in the world of paleontology, or sit in our maker space and try your hand at a new craft. Featuring more than 150 panelists who love to share their knowledge and skills, we even bring in panelists from all over the world for Balticon Anywhere, our virtual convention! Programming With over 300 hours of programming, we have something for everyone. Join us for panels on how to get published to what’s new in the world of paleontology, or sit in our maker space and try your hand at a new craft. Featuring more than 150 panelists who love to share their knowledge and skills, we even bring in panelists from all over the world for Balticon Anywhere, our virtual convention! Full schedule available next spring! Our packed schedule includes: Panel discussions Events for Kids and Young Adults Workshops Readings Signings Roundtable Discussions Concerts Book Launches Movies And more! Balticon is committed to making our convention accessible to everyone. Please contact our accessibility team so we can make sure you have the accommodations you need. Panels & Workshops Dinosaurs: The Update Find out what's new in the world of things very, very old! Dr. Tom Holtz Read More Workshop: Pattern Adjusting for the Costumer Learn how to adjust a pattern to fit your unique body! Read More LGBTQ+ Social An informal tea party for LGBTQ+ Fans of all ages and allies. Tea and cakes will be served. Read More Liars Panel Join the hilarity as YOU get to decide who's telling the truth and who's lying! Read More
- Registration & Hotel | Balticon 59
Balticon 59 memberships are available for purchase now! Book your hotel stay to enjoy the convention all weekend long without the drive, and get the best rate with our room block. Registration & Hotel Balticon 59 Memberships are available for purchase now, through our Registration portal Buy Badges Full Weekend Memberships Adult (25+) Young Adult (13 - 24) Child (12 and under) Winter Rate (Through Feb 28) $75 $38 Always free Early Bird Rate (March 1 - April 15) $80 $40 Advance Rate (April 16 - May 15) $85 $43 Full Weekend (May 16 - At The Door) $89 $45 Friday $40 $20 Saturday $50 $25 Sun/Mon $60 $30 Sunday $45 $23 Monday $30 $15 Virtual Only $30 *Age is of the first day of the con. ** Virtual Memberships are included with ALL memberships Registration Hours Friday 1:00 pm – 10:00 pm Saturday 8:45 am – 7:00 pm Sunday 8:45 am – 5:00 pm Monday 10:00 am – 1:30 pm Renaissance Harborplace Hotel Balticon will be held at The Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel , 202 East Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA, inside the Baltimore Inner Harbor Entertainment District. Multiple shops, restaurants and entertainment venues are adjacent to the hotel. Stay in the hotel and never miss a minute of Balticon! We've negotiated the best room rate possible for you at $158 per night (plus taxes) for either a King or Double Queen room. Full details on rooms are available on the hotel's website. By booking through our block, not only do you get the best rate, but you help support us, too. Space is limited! Public Transportation: Routes and schedules for bus and light rail are available on the MTA website. Room Parties: If you wish to host a party in your room, please contact the party coordinator at for party guidelines and how to reserve a room on the party floor. Balticon Anywhere Hub All Virtual Programming is accessed through the Balticon Anywhere Hub. You will be emailed a unique password-free login link to the email address you provided at Registration. Zoom Streamed program items are broadcast via Zoom from meeting rooms in the hotel. Whenever possible, we will have someone in the room to relay questions and comments from remote viewers. There is no physical location for our virtual programming! Our participants join from their own locations, and the program is hosted either through a Zoom webinar or meeting. Each event is its own session, with 2 or 3 simultaneous events scheduled during most of the weekend. Attendees will be able to watch and listen to program participants and ask questions via Zoom’s built-in Q&A feature. Zoom is free to use. It is accessed in a web browser or through the free app. A Zoom account is not required to be able to view a session in Zoom. Most Zoom events will have automatic closed-captioning. To enable, click the Closed Captioning button in the meeting controls toolbar. See Zoom help. Zoom links are at the bottom of the program description within the Balticon Anywhere Hub after you’ve logged in. Discord Join us on our Discord server, ‘BSFS & Balticon’, to interact via text chat and voice chat. Discord is the place to go to talk with Dealers and Fan Tables, after panel discussions, technical help, and general socializing. Each Programming room, both virtual and in-person, has an associated channel with the same name that can be used for continued discussions after the panel. Video watch parties, scavenger hunt, and similar events may also be organized over Discord channels. Discord is a free voice, video, and text chat app that’s used by tens of millions of people aged 13+ to talk and hang out with their communities and friends. Apps are available on Google Play and the Apple Store. If you prefer to use a computer, there is a desktop app, or you can use it from a web browser. Use our invite link to go to our server and create an account. You can also choose to use the web browser or download the app, if desired. This is a good beginner’s guide for using Discord. YouTube Replays of panels and presentations will be available on YouTube through the Balticon Anywhere Hub within two weeks after the con has ended (or sooner, if volunteer time allows!) Sign up for our email newsletter and we’ll let you know as soon as they’re up! YouTube can be used in a web browser with or without logging in, or you can download the YouTube app for your device.