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Elora Malat



Elora Malat (she/her) has been volunteering at Balticon since 2010 since she graduated from Cumberland County College (now Rowan College of South Jersey) that same year with an Associate's of Science in Engineering. She started out as a Berserker at Balticon 44 and later joined Tech at Balticon 47, where she has been utilizing her capabilities ever since, occasionally helping Art Show and anywhere else a volunteer is needed. She is also the artist that illustrated the sign for the Bunny Hole for the Masquerade under the pseudonym Poison-Stripes and has assisted in running video for the Masquerade and helping participants in the Masquerade in the Green Room. Elora isn't just a sci-fi and fantasy fan. She's also an avid gamer where one can find her under variations of her handle Poison-Stripes, such as PoisonStripes86 and Poison-Str1p3s. Elora also writes fanfiction, which can be found on AO3 under the handle Poison-Stripes.

Elora Malat

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