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Andrija Popovic



Andrija Popovic is a native of the Washington DC metropolitan area who indulges in photography, spends entirely too much on books, and occasionally adds to the #NoirAlley chats on Twitter as @andrian6. His stories have previously been published in Daily Science Fiction and the anthologies ALIEN ARTIFACTS, THE DEATH OF ALL THINGS, PORTALS, DERELICT and NOIR. More information can be found at Biomechanoid Blues ( Andrija's alter-egotist, A.J. Harris, writes spicy SFF stories. You can find A.J.'s tales in the anthologies STRANDED, SILVER SOLDIERS, THE BIG BOOK OF ORGASMS 2, SEXY STRANGERS and SECRET IDENTITIES. If you're interested, visit the A.J. Harris page on Biomechanoid Blues (

Andrija Popovic

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