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Program Participants

Featuring 150+ Panelists from all over the world. Authors, Publishers, Editors, Artists, Scientists, Musicians, Cosplayers, and more!

Check back as our list of confirmed Participants grows!

Our Panelists are kinda the best

D.H. Aire

D.H. Aire


D.H. Aire has published more than 20 books, most recent are Knight's Blood and Bigfoot Hunting. His love of history & archaeology found...

John Appel

John Appel


John Appel's debut novel ASSASSIN’S ORBIT was published by Rebellion in July 2021 and was a finalist for the 2022 Compton Crook Award...

Martin Berman-gorvine

Martin Berman-gorvine


After an eventful youth living in Israel and fathering 3 sons, I live with my wife and 2 of my now-grown sons in Potomac, Maryland...

C. D. Brown

C. D. Brown


C.D. Brown is a writer and filmmaker from New Orleans. He edits and publishes the fantasy magazine Dirty Magick and is the author...

Tyaz Cosplay

Tyaz Cosplay


Tyaz Cosplay has been sewing since she was 10 and cosplaying for 10 years. Although sewing is her original focus, she has also expanded into...

Randee Dawn

Randee Dawn


Randee Dawn is a Brooklyn-based SFF/H author at night and an entertainment journalist during the day for publications including...

Ruthanna Emrys

Ruthanna Emrys


Ruthanna Emrys is the author of the Innsmouth Legacy series, including Winter Tide and Deep Roots, and A Half-Built Garden. She writes...

Bjorn E. Hasseler

Bjorn E. Hasseler


Bjorn was in a library looking for Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy when he found David Weber's Honor Harrington books. Once he read...

Larry Hodges

Larry Hodges


Larry Hodges is an active member of SFWA with over 220 short story sales, with 56 "pro" sales, including four novels...

George Hrab

George Hrab


Best known in his home town of Bethlehem, PA as the longtime drummer for The Philadelphia Funk Authority, George Hrab is also an...

Daniel M. Kimmel

Daniel M. Kimmel


Daniel M. Kimmel is the 2018 recipient of the Skylark Award, given by the New England Science Fiction Association. He was a finalist...

Gail Z. Martin

Gail Z. Martin


Gail Z. Martin writes epic fantasy, urban fantasy & more for Solaris Books, Orbit Books, and Falstaff Books. She also writes as Morgan...

Dr. Neil Ottenstein

Dr. Neil Ottenstein


Neil Ottenstein obtained a PhD in theoretical nuclear physics in 1990 and since then has been workingin flight dynamics for one of...

Jennifer R. Povey

Jennifer R. Povey


Jennifer R. Povey lives in Northern Virginia with her husband. She writes a variety of speculative fiction, whilst following...

Robert J. Sawyer

Robert J. Sawyer


Robert J. Sawyer, the 2017 recipient of the Robert A. Heinlein Award, has been called “The dean of Canadian science fiction” by both the CBC...

Alex Shvartsman

Alex Shvartsman


Alex Shvartsman is the author of Kakistocracy (2023), The Middling Affliction (2022) and Eridani’s Crown (2019) fantasy novels...

David Walton

David Walton


David Walton hails from Philadelphia, where he lives with his wife and eight children. An engineer by day and an author by night...

Martin Wilsey

Martin Wilsey


Martin Wilsey is a full-time author and creator of the bestselling SOLSTICE 31 SAGA. Mr. Wilsey's first novel, STILL FALLING...

Ken Altabef

Ken Altabef


A SFWA and HWA member, Ken Altabef's short fiction has appeared in magazines such as F&SF, Interzone, Daily Science Fiction...

Sarah Avery

Sarah Avery


Sarah Avery's first book, Tales from Rugosa Coven, won the 2015 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award. Her short fiction has appeared in Beneath...

Joshua Bilmes

Joshua Bilmes


Joshua Bilmes is the President of JABberwocky Literary Agency, which he founded in 1994, and hopes to discover another new client this year...

Misha Bushyager

Misha Bushyager


I’m a longtime gamer and designer working on making sure the next generation of geeks sees themselves represented. I’m a panelist...

Elwin Cotman

Elwin Cotman


Elwin Cotman is a storyteller from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is the author of three collections of speculative short stories...

Virginia DeMarce

Virginia DeMarce


Virginia DeMarce, since retiring as a historian in 2004, has been an active participant in the 1632 alternate history series founded by Eric Flint...

Charles Gannon

Charles Gannon


Dr. Charles E. Gannon’s best known work is in the best-selling Caine Riordan hard sf series and the Vortex of Worlds epic fantasy saga...

Morgan Hazelwood

Morgan Hazelwood


Morgan Hazelwood has been sharing “Writing Tips & Writerly Musings” with writing tips from the pros and her own writerly musings since 2015...

Anastasia Holt

Anastasia Holt


Anastasia has enjoyed costumes and Halloween and being in plays since I was a baby. My love for this only grew as I immersed myself more...

Michelle Hymowitz

Michelle Hymowitz


Michelle is the former president of the Games Club of Maryland. She has been involved in the boardgaming community for over 25 years...

Emily Anne Lewis

Emily Anne Lewis


Emily got hooked on filk as a member of Sassafrass. Having played Baldur in Sassafrass' production "Sundown" at...

Jo Miles

Jo Miles


Jo Miles writes optimistic science fiction and fantasy, including the Gifted of Brennex space opera trilogy beginning with Warped State...

Sarah Pinsker

Sarah Pinsker


Sarah Pinsker is the Hugo, Nebula, Sturgeon, Philip K Dick, Locus, and Eugie Award winning author of A Song For A New Day, Sooner or...

Dr. Karen Purcell

Dr. Karen Purcell

Masquerade Director

Dr. Karen Purcell obtained her Bachelor's in Biology from Pace University, Pleasantville Campus. She graduated with the Class...

Ken Schrader

Ken Schrader


Ken Schrader writes Science Fiction, Steampunk, Fantasy, Weird Westerns, and anything else he can get away with. He’s a...

Mary G. Thompson

Mary G. Thompson


Mary G. Thompson is the author of the sci-fi novella One Level Down (Tachyon, 2025). She is also the author of The Word, Flicker...

Jean Marie Ward

Jean Marie Ward


Jean Marie Ward writes fiction, nonfiction and everything in between, including novels, art books, and military strategy...

Sherri Cook Woosley

Sherri Cook Woosley


Sherri Cook Woosley has a Master's Degree in English with a focus on comparative mythology from the University of Maryland. She drew...

Scott H. Andrews

Scott H. Andrews


Scott H. Andrews is Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of the ten-time Hugo Award finalist fantasy magazine Beneath Ceaseless Skies...

Jim Beall

Jim Beall


Jim Beall (BS-Math, MBA, PE) has been a nuclear engineer for over 50 years and an avid science fiction reader for even longer. His...

Walt Boyes

Walt Boyes


Walt Boyes is a journalist, analyst, and recognized authority on 21st Century manufacturing and automation. He is a Fellow of...

Doc Colman

Doc Colman


Doc Coleman never dreamed of being a writer. He dreamed of being an actor, of making movies. Unfortunately, that didn't happen...

Galen Dara

Galen Dara


Galen Dara has created art for Uncanny Magazine, Lightspeed Magazine, Fireside Fiction Magazine, Fantasy Flight Games...

Tom Doyle

Tom Doyle


Tom Doyle is the award-winning author of the American Craftsmen trilogy from Tor Books, and the Agent of Exiles series...

Eric Hardenbrook

Eric Hardenbrook


Eric is a fan, an author and an artist, usually in that order. Eric lives in central Pennsylvania with his amazing family. He writes...

Dr. Inge Heyer

Dr. Inge Heyer


Born and raised in Berlin, Germany, Dr. Inge Heyer completed her secondary education there before accepting a language...

Dr. Tom Holtz

Dr. Tom Holtz


Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. is Principal Lecturer in Vertebrate Paleontology at the Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park...

A. L. Kaplan

A. L. Kaplan


A. L. Kaplan’s love of books started as a child and sparked a creative imagination. Born on a cold winter morning in scenic northern New...

Shahid Mahmud

Shahid Mahmud


Shahid Mahmud created Arc Manor; a Maryland based small press in 2006. Since then, the company has become a significant small SF...

Chris Oakley

Chris Oakley

Book Seller

Chris Oakley owned and operated Oakley’s Gently Used Books, a bricks & mortar used bookshop with a specialty in Sci Fi/Fantasy, for more...

Ann Pollack

Ann Pollack


Ann Pollack, Principal Professional Staff member at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL), brings 35+ years of engineering...

Christopher Mark Rose

Christopher Mark Rose


Christopher Mark Rose is an engineer for NASA spacecraft by day, a writer of speculative fictions by night. His work has appeared...

Melissa Scott

Melissa Scott


Melissa Scott has published more than thirty original novels and a handful of short stories, most with queer themes and characters...

Mark L. Van Name

Mark L. Van Name


Mark L. Van Name is a writer, technologist, and spoken word performer. He has published five novels (One Jump Ahead...

T. C. Weber

T. C. Weber


T. C. Weber has pursued writing since childhood, and learned filmmaking and screenwriting in college, along with physics and ecology. His latest...



Director of RPG and Tabletop Programming

Hello fellow nerds, I am Yoshi! I am the Director of RPG and Tabletop Programming for Balticon 59...

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