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Marty Gear Memorial Masquerade

Balticon’s Cosplay Contest, the Marty Gear Memorial Masquerade, is the opportunity for fans to present their science fiction- and fantasy-related costumes to delight our audience. While some costumers may simply model their costumes on stage, most entries present dramatic or comedic skits. A team of judges reward costume design and workmanship to encourage our costumers’ efforts.

Marty Gear Memorial Masquerade


Cosplay, or the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game, is a strong component of Balticon. Many attendees choose to wander around the con dressed as their favorite character. Anonymous judges will award Hall Costume Contest ribbons throughout the weekend. The costuming highlight of the weekend is the Masquerade held on Saturday evening. Balticon offers hours of costuming panels, workshops, and presentations. We try to schedule the majority before the Masquerade so that novices can pick up last minute coaching, if desired.

The Marty Gear Memorial Masquerade

The Marty Gear Memorial Masquerade will be held in the Main Ballroom. Individual and group contestants take the stage for a short presentation showcasing their costumes. Children will get to show off their favorite characters before the adults strut their stuff. Our team of expert judges award points in several categories, including creativity, craftsmanship, and presentation. Winners are announced at the end of the evening. The goal of the Masquerade is to give our costumers a chance to share their talent and put on a good show for the enjoyment of all. Everyone is invited to enjoy the display of creativity and artistry that will be on stage.

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